Chicago Violin Company
A quality instrument is essential for any aspiring musician to flourish. However, the cost of a good violin let alone an exceptional one has inflated in the last century to the level of a collector’s item. Even musicians of the highest caliber struggle to afford the fundamental tools of their trade. After witnessing the high cost of violins turn away potential musicians firsthand, we embarked on a journey to discover a means to craft a violin for the aspiring musician.
During our first decade, we studied with the Chicago-based legendary luthiers of the Becker* family to learn the essential elements of a quality instrument. Their extensive knowledge and experience lent a valuable starting point to understanding crucial steps of modern violin-making.
In addition to consulting modern instrument makers, we catalogued antique violins extensively. From Stradivarius to Guarneri del Gesu, we had the privilege of hand-examining and analyzing many priceless and rare violins over the years. The beautiful tone of these museum-quality instruments has long been viewed as mystical and irreplicable—however, through material and chemical analysis, we have been able to unravel some of the mystery and quantitatively identify the essential components of these violins that give them their rich sound.
After almost two decades of extensive research and apprenticeship with established luthiers, we are finally able to offer a new line of violins that borrows techniques from the past and the present. In many ways, our instruments are handcrafted in the way of the old masters—from painstakingly choosing the cut of wood to applying the varnish with a Kolinsky sable brush stroke by stroke, these violins are made with extensive care and detail at every step. Taking the process a step further, we combine the diligence of the old masters with modern techniques and decades of scientific research to ensure quality from instrument to instrument, allowing us to offer an exceptional violin at an accessible price.
Now presenting:
a violin that meets the standards of the future concert masters.
除了與更多當代樂器製琴家交流,我們還對古董小提琴進行了廣泛的分類。從 史特拉底瓦里(Stradivarius)到 Guarneri del Gesu(耶穌・瓜奈里),多年來我們有幸親手檢查和分析了許多無價的稀有小提琴。長期以來,這些博物館級樂器的美妙音色一直被認為是神秘且不可複製的——然而,通過材料和化學分析,我們已經能夠解開一些謎團,並以定量數據來確定小提琴的基本組成部分,這些組成賦予了它們豐富的音色聲音。
經過近二十年的廣泛研究和與著名制琴師的學徒訓練,我們終於能夠提供借鑒過去和現在技術的新小提琴系列。在許多方面,我們的樂器都是按照古代大師的方式手工製作的——從煞費苦心地選擇木材的切割方式,到用 Kolinsky 西伯利亞貂毛筆刷一筆一筆地塗上清漆,這些小提琴的每一道工序都是經過精心製作和細節處理。更進一步,我們將古代大師的勤奮與現代技術和數十年的科學研究相結合,以確保每一把琴的質量,使我們能夠以合理的價格提供一把非凡的小提琴。
*The Becker family is not associated with Chicago Violin Company
來自演奏家Nicolas Koecker對芝加哥提琴系列Clybourn的推薦
Street Performer